Certified offers one stop shopping for Black Mold Removal, Black Mold Testing, Black Mold Remediation, Black Mold Inspection,
House Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing, Duct Cleaning, Dryer Vent Cleaning. We are insured and bonded
for your protection so call us today for an estimate!
Facts About Mold
Mold is in the news. People are talking about its
potential health and economic impact. But what are the
real risks and issues?
The available science is incomplete and sometimes
controversial. Although there are several guidance
documents available, there is no accepted national
standard. Validated methods to measure contamination are
still in their infancy, and even when measurement
techniques are available, there are no clear benchmarks
or standard values to compare the results against.
Similar scientific uncertainties exist in the medical
diagnosis of some mold-related health effects.
The scientific complexities alone would be a huge
challenge, but the truth is that other difficulties
dwarf them. The intense public and media attention on
this topic often creates emotionally charged
circumstances that make scientific judgment and reasoned
dialogue difficult. In some instances, building owners
tend to ignore or dismiss potentially serious problems.
In other instances building occupants or public
officials can react with excessive alarm to perceived
potential threats, complicating the scientific component
of the evaluation and making risk communication very
While experts and practitioners disagree on which
trend is of more concern, it is clear that both are real
and sizable. The biggest obstacle, however, is the
amount of money that can be involved in these disputes.
As a result, the issue is increasingly clouded by the
acrimony and distorted partisanship of mushrooming
liability battles in the legal arena.
Facts About Mold For Everyone
WHAT IS MOLD? Molds are forms of
fungi found all year round both indoors and outdoors.
Outdoors, molds live in the soil, on plants, and on dead
or decaying matter. Another common term for mold is
mildew. Mold growth is encouraged by warm and humid
conditions, although it can grow during cold weather.
There are thousands of species of mold and they can be
any color. Many times, mold can be detected by a musty
odor. Most fungi, including molds, produce microscopic
cells called “spores” that spread easily through the
air. Live spores act like seeds, forming new mold
growths (colonies) with the right conditions. All of us
are exposed to fungal spores daily in the air we
Most, if not all, of the mold found indoors comes from
outdoor sources. It needs moisture to grow and becomes a
problem only where there is water damage, high humidity,
or dampness. Common sources of indoor moisture that
cause mold problems include flooding, roof and plumbing
leaks, damp basements or crawl spaces, or any moisture
condensation on cold surfaces. Bathroom showers and
steam from cooking may also create problems if not well
Controlling excess moisture is the key to preventing and
stopping indoor mold growth. Keeping susceptible areas
in the home clean and dry is very important. Ventilate
or use exhaust fans (vented to the outdoors) to remove
moisture where it accumulates, particularly in
bathrooms, kitchens, and laundry areas. Clothes dryers
should be vented to the outside. Repair water leaks
promptly, and either dry out and clean or replace
water-damaged materials. Materials that stay wet for
more than 48 hours are likely to produce mold growth.
Lowering humidity indoors helps prevent condensation
problems. To lower humidity during humid weather, use
air conditioner and dehumidifiers. Proper exterior wall
insulation helps prevent condensation from forming
inside, during cold weather.
produce toxic substances called mycotoxins. Airborne
mycotoxins have been shown to cause health problems for
occupants in residential or commercial buildings. The
health effects of breathing mycotoxins are not well
understood and are currently under study. There are
several common symptoms that people tend to experience
when exposed to toxic mold. These symptoms include, but
are not limited to, chronic sinusitis, coughing,
wheezing, watery eyes, headaches, nausea and memory
EPA “A brief guide to mold, moisture, and your home.”