Certified Mold Professionals offers one stop shopping for House
Cleaning, Window Cleaning, Gutter Cleaning, Power Washing,
Duct Cleaning, Dryer Vent Cleaning,
Carpet Cleaning, Floor Waxing, Dumpster Rental, and
Mold Removal. We are fully insured and bonded for your protection.
Call us today for a free estimate!
Carpet always looks great when you first buy it. It
adds color to the room and feels great under
your feet. However, give it some time, after walking on
it, spilling food and drinks on it, pets doing their
thing on it and a variety of other mishaps, you begin to
wonder why you ever got it in the first place.
This doesn't have to be the case. Carpet Cleaning, by
use of truck mounted steam cleaning will make your
carpets look and feel brand new again! We will pre-treat
all of your spots and stains, disinfect as well as
deodorize and there is never an extra charge for any of
these services. It is all included at no additional
If it's, upholstery cleaning, that you need,
Absolutely Spotless will perform the same process,
making that sofa, love seat or chair look like new
Call us today for a FREE, Carpet
Cleaning, Estimate!